Full Height CeilingMountTrack Triple

Building Product Information Requirements (BPIR)

Product Information

You can find all relevant product information on our website. Simply select the product you’re interested in to access detailed specifications, features, and more. We take pride in our craftsmanship, and all our products are proudly made in New Zealand at our factory, located at our head office, unless otherwise stated. Your support of local manufacturing helps us deliver high-quality solutions you can trust!

Manufacturer Company Information

Legal trading name: Cavity Sliders Limited

Head office address: 5-7 Rakino Way, Mount Wellington, Auckland 1060, New Zealand

Website: cavitysliders.co.nz

Email address: info@csfordoors.co.nz

Phone number: +64 9 276 0800 or 0800 754 337

NZBN: 9429039737519


CS Cavity Sliders confirms that their listed products are not subject to a warning or ban under the Building Act 2004, or a description of any warning or ban that has been made in relation to the product.

Supplier's Web Information

Cavity Release: jexis.com

Flush Handle: hallidaybaillie.com
Superior Doors: superiordoors.co.nz

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